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Video Walls

Sunco's video wall display solutions are always the highest quality available on the market. Available in different technologies (LCD, LED rear-projection and front-projection ), touch or non-touches, curved or straight, different sizes and resolutions, our portfolio always contains the perfect solution for your application. Our dedicated software and a range of professional services make sure you get the most out of your video wall.

4x2 Touch Video Walls


Narrow-bezel or bezel-less LCD displays for different video wall applications.

Touch Module enables interaction with users in an engaging manner

Application and Controller with Video Wall

2x2 Touch Video Walls

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Narrow-bezel(3.5mm or 1.7mm) or bezel-less LCD displays for different video wall applications. Perfect for control tower application

6x2 Curved Video Walls

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Controller software at computer or iPad to control the display layout from time to time

6x2 Curved Video Wall allows immersive experience for end-users

4x1 Video Wall

Video Wall Controller

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4 by 1 narrow bezel(1.7mm) video wall

Networked video wall controller

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Integrated and Immersive Design using portfolio of video wall systems

Touch Interactive Video Wall Software capable of embedding CCTV camera streaming, youtube and other media files

What is video wall

A video wall (also known as display wall) is a large visualization surface consisting of multiple displays. Originally, they consisted of multiple televisions or monitors that were put closely together.


The objective was to make it seem as one large display surface. The problem however was the large frame (or bezel) that surrounded the useful display surface of each television. This completely tore down the effect of a single canvas and ruined the visual performance. Therefore, new technologies were introduced to minimize the ‘dead pixel space’ between the different displays. Today’s display wall solutions are generally using tiled LCD panels, rear-projection cubes, or direct LED tiles.


These display walls are available in a wide range of sizes, typically with a screen diameter between 46” and 80”. The choice of the screen size depends on the typical content and the viewing distance. If watched from up close, the pixel density should be high enough to not see the individual pixels.


Typical application areas include control rooms, meeting rooms, digital signage and other demanding environments.


Although these different technologies have very distinct merits, answering specific needs of users, they have a number of things in common. They all:


1. Need a video wall controller to get content on the screens
2. Are very flexible regarding size (number of individual displays)

3. Need a calibration mechanism to ensure that all individual tiles have the same brightness and color settings. S


Sunco's professional team does this in real-time, both calibrating single displays and entire walls
Require a minimal inter-tile gap (or ultra narrow bezel) to counter the ‘raster effect’

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